You are welcome here!
Whoever you are, wherever you have been, whatever you believe (or do not believe), whether you worship with us online or person, you are truly welcome into the MPC family.
Put simply, Manito Pres is a community of real people. From small children through senior citizens, we foster a culture of authenticity: where people can become their most whole and freed selves, in knowing how loved they are within the community and by God.
Inquiry and exploration are celebrated at MPC; those who appreciate academic theological content or those who may be wrestling with a simpler version of faith they have been handed in the past, have space to be challenged and explore questions within this community.
Online Worship
We video stream all of our worship services, because our Manito community extends far beyond our sanctuary on Sunday morning. If you are cautious about entering a church building, curious about learning more, or tuning in from a different location, we hope that you experience our welcome and more importantly, the love of God, from wherever you join us.
In Person Worship
Our nursery and Children's Church are available during the worship service. Our Nursery is open for Ages 0-5 starting at 10:15 and includes a bible story, craft, and snack with social distancing. School-aged children spend 15 minutes in the first part of our worship service in the sanctuary, then are encouraged to come forward for the children's message and are dismissed for Children's Church, which lasts the rest of the service.

Recent FAQ’s
Currently, our office is closed. However, a pastor or elder will respond within 24 hours if you leave a voice message or send an email.
Yes! We observe the Lord's Supper on the first Sunday of every month. All who wish to partake are welcome to the table; membership is not required to take communion.
It is the policy of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to provide equal employment opportunity for all qualified persons; to prohibit discrimination in employment based upon racial ethnic group, sex, age, or disability; and to correct any existent patterns of discrimination. The realization of inclusiveness in employment is promoted through positive, results-oriented, equal employment opportunity practices.
We measure our interactions so that they conform to the law of love rather than the dysfunctional triangle. To listen to a presentation by Dr. Starbuck on this topic, click here.
Of course not. All are welcome! While members can vote on church decisions and hold leadership positions, we encourage anyone to come and join us in whatever capacity (in-person or online) feels most comfortable for you.
Just as a family is held together through commitment to one another despite individual differences, covenantal membership holds us together as Manito Pres. We joyfully and energetically encourage one another to enter into the covenant of membership, so that our community continues to form around shared commitment, empathy, trust and Christian love. In addition to the historic questions associated with church membership centered on faith in Jesus Christ, members of Manito Presbyterian Church also participate in a communication covenant so that we can listen, learn, love, and support one another through differences of perspectives and seasons of faith development.
The path to covenantal membership begins by exploring your interest with one of the pastors. Membership is required for baptisms (child and adult), weddings, and election by the congregation to leadership positions (elder and deacon). Simply email with interest or questions.
Contact one of the pastors to schedule an appointment to discuss.
Our church does have a continual food drive for Westminster Food Pantry that serves people in the West Central neighborhood where they can get food without a car. Please e-mail if you'd like to donate at a time other than a Sunday morning and we can make time to connect.
Please contact the church at 503-838-3559 (voice or text) or email