Engaging our minds, hearts and community.
Exploring beyond Sundays
We are committed to discussion and mutual learning as we seek to live out our faith in our ever-complex world.
Recent shared readings have included:
Women’s Book Club meets after church once a month for fellowship and discussion of a shared book
2023 (ongoing): Our Hearts Wait: Worshiping Through Praise and Lament in the Psalms by Walter Brueggemann
June 2022: The Flawed Family of God by Carolyn B. Helsel and Song-Mi Suzie Park
Fall 2021: Broken Signposts by N.T. Wright
Spring 2021: The Cross and the Lynching Tree by James H Cone
Fall 2020: The Book of Exodus by Joel S Baden
Fall 2019: Fields of Blood: Religion and the History of Violence by Karen Armstrong
Service & Outreach
We gather as small and larger groups within our community to intentionally love our neighbors, serve our city, and share the love of Christ with the world.
Advocating to end hunger both locally and globally
Advocating to keep homeless families together while in transition
Partnering with Presbyterian Churches in Guatemala
Engaging in early childhood education in the Liberty Park district
Providing for low income housing for people with and without disabilities
Sponsoring Missionaries in Guatemala, France and the Congo
Neighborhood Empowerment in West Central Spokane
Cycling Advocacy for refugees
Bread for the World
Family Promise
Liberty Park Child Development Center
Manito Garden Apartments
Mission Community Outreach Center
PCUSA Missionaries around the world
West Center Development Project
Westminster Food Bank
Young Life International
Young people are a deep joy for us to know and include.
Our young people are connected to the whole congregation as they, like adults, are the body of Christ. We want our youth to have a place to develop deep friendships, connect, and grow in understanding of Christian faith as they navigate from youth to adulthood.
Our youth sing on our worship team, play instruments, read scripture, help with hospitality with our deacons, and more.
Youth Group meets weekly on Wednesdays from 7-8:30 P.M. to explore their own faith and find support with other peers and adults who care.
Children are valued deeply in Manito’s multi-generational worship service.
A children’s message in our service introduces the sermon theme in an interactive conversation (parents can come alongside children also) and then can leave with Pastor Pamela for Sunday School or go to the Nursery. Since both parents and children hear the children's message, families can have conversations about the sermon theme during the week.
Our Nursery is open for children ages 0-5 from 10:10 A.M. until the end of the service. Miss Darla and Miss Katy are long-term staff who provide safe and secure care and encourage children's emerging steps in faith (with a story, craft, and a snack).
Parent’s Night Outs will resume regularly in Spring of 2022 to support parents.